Jawa Barat
Jember Regency at a glance
The area of Jember Regency reaches 330,668 Ha, located in East Java Province. Jember Regency has 31 sub-districts, namely Puger, Patrang, Sumbersari, Kaliwates, Jelbuk, Sukowono, Sumberjambe, Ledokombo, Kalisat, Pakusari, Arjasa, Sukorambi, Panti, Bangsalsari, Tanggul, Sumberbaru, Jombang, Sembrono, Umbulsari, Balung, Rambipuji, Ajung, Jenggawah, Mumbulsari, Mayang, Silo, Temoureji, Ambulu, Wuluhan, Gumukmas, and Kencong.
As many as 71% or 1,812,146 residents of Jember Regency are entering the productive age (15-64 years).
Land Description
The land covers an area of 5.29 Ha, consisting of 2 (two) plots of land separated by an access road, in the form of flat land and a field covered with vegetation. The plot of land directly adjacent to the access road is in good condition. The location of the land is near settlements and fish management units and river mouths.
Referring to the District’s Regional Spatial Planning Plan (RTRW). Jember, land used for land is fields, ponds, and fresh water/brackish water cultivation.
Freshwater Aquaculture Ponds AreaSize
5,29 HaLocation Map
-Lot Size
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