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Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (ATR/BPN Minister)
Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono or often called AHY, was appointed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning or Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) for the 2019-2024 period...

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Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono or often called AHY, was appointed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning or Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) for the 2019-2024 period. AHY was born in Bandung, 10 August 1978. He is the first child of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Kristen Herrawati (Ani Yudhoyono). AHY's father was the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia, who was the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2004-2009 and 2009-2014 periods.

AHY received his elementary school (SD) education in East Timor, moving to Kuntum Wijaya Kusuma Elementary School, in East Jakarta from 1984 to 1988. Then, he moved back to school at David J. Brewer School, Leavenworth, Kansas, United States until 1991. After graduating from elementary school, AHY studied at State Junior High School (SMPN) 5 Bandung. Next, he moved back to school to Jakarta and finished at SMPN 20 East Jakarta. In 1994, AHY studied at Taruna Nusantara High School (SMA) in Magelang, Central Java. This school is one of the schools with a military basis. AHY then completed his military education at the Indonesian Military Academy (Akmil) in 1997. In 2000, AHY graduated from military school with two awards, namely Adhi Makayasa (best graduating student) and Tri Sakti Wiratama (highest achievement with a collective assessment of mental, physical and intellectual intelligence). AHY continued his military education at the TNI AD Basic Infantry Education and Combat Intel Course in 2001 as well as the Army Infantry School's Airborne Operations Course in 2002.

Afterwards, AHY was placed as Special Team Commander of the 305/Tengkorak Airborne Infantry Battalion in security restoration operations in Aceh in 2002. Then, he served as Rifle Platoon Platoon Commander, 305 Infantry Battalion, Army Strategic Reserve Command (KOSTRAD) from 2002 to 2004 and the Army Strategic Reserve Command (Kostrad) Pasi-2/OPS Infantry Battalion 305 from 2004 to 2007.

Then in March 2012, AHY received 3 awards at once, namely Distinguish International Honor Graduated, The Order of Saint Maurice Medal, and The Commandants List from the Army military school at Fort Benning, Georgia, United States (US). Agus made another achievement in 2015. He successfully graduated from the US Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC), Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, United States after studying for one year with a GPA of 4. He received an international badge from CGSC Deputy Commander Major General Hughes . Apart from that, in the same year, Agus also received a Master of Public Administration degree at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA. After a 16 year career in the Indonesian Army, AHY decided to enter the world of politics and become a Candidate for Governor of DKI Jakarta for the 2017-2022 period.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati (Finance Minister)
Sri Mulyani Indrawati was born in Tanjung Karang, Lampung, August 26 1962. Sri Mulyani received her education at SMPN 2 Bandar Lampung, then continued her studies at SMAN 3 Semarang...

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Sri Mulyani Indrawati was born in Tanjung Karang, Lampung, 26 August 1962. Sri Mulyani received her education at SMPN 2 Bandar Lampung, then continued her studies at SMAN 3 Semarang. After that, Sri Mulyani continued studying at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, graduating in 1986. Two years later, she continued her Masters and Doctoral studies in the United States. Precisely at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign with a Master of Science of Policy Economics (1990) and Ph.D. of Economics (1992).

Sri Mulyani was a teacher at the UI Faculty of Economics at the age of 23. In America, Sri Mulyani once served as Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana. In 2002, this woman, who is one of Indonesia's economic experts, joined the IMF as Executive Director. In 2004 he returned to his homeland and was appointed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to become Minister of State for National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas. A year later or in 2005, Sri Mulyani was appointed by President SBY as Minister of Finance. His career in the cabinet became increasingly trusted. In 2008, he served as Acting Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs. Then in May 2010, Sri Mulyani resigned as Minister of Finance because she was appointed as Managing Director of the World Bank. Six years later, President Jokowi asked Sri Mulyani to become Minister of Finance until now.

Meanwhile, Sri Mulyani has received an award as the best Minister of Finance in Asia Pacific according to the financial magazine FinanceAsia three years in a row starting from 2017, 2018 and 2019. Then Finance Minister of the Year for East Asia Pacific in 2020 by Global Markets Magazine, as an award for efforts to handle the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia to The World's 100 Most Powerful Women 2020 released by Forbes and occupying the 78th position.
Basuki Hadimuljono (PUPR Minister)
Basuki Hadimuljono was born in Surakarta, November 5 1954. He is the fourth of eight children...

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Basuki Hadimuljono was born in Surakarta, November 5 1954. He is the fourth of eight children. Basuki completed his elementary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP) education in Palembang, South Sumatra. Before graduating from junior high school, little Basuki moved to Papua and completed his education there until high school. Basuki then moved to Surabaya and completed his high school education at SMAN 5 Surabaya.

After graduating from high school, Basuki continued his education at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta, majoring in Geological Engineering and earned an engineering degree at the age of 25. After graduating, Basuki started his profession as a civil servant (PNS) at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). At the age of 35, Basuki obtained a Master of Science, Civil Engineering degree and a Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering degree at the age of 38 from Colorado State University, United States.

Basuki was named a model employee in 1995. Basuki also held various positions while still working at the PUPR Ministry. Basuki's career continued to skyrocket until he was trusted to serve as Head of the Research and Development Agency in 2005 and 2007. After that, he became Inspector General of the Ministry until 2013. The last position he held before being appointed Minister of PUPR was Director General of Spatial Planning. Basuki Hadimuljono was trusted by President Jokowi to serve as PUPR Minister from October 2014-2019 and 2019 - until now.
Ir. Suyus Windayana, M.App.Sc.
Committee Secretary
Quoted from the ATR/BPN Ministry website, Suyus Windayana was born in Bandung, 17 June 1967...

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Quoted from the Ministry of ATR/BPN website, Suyus Windayana was born in Bandung, 17 June 1967. Completed his Bachelor's Degree in Geodetic Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1992, and obtained a Master's degree at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Tech majoring in Land Data Management in 1999. Apart from completing formal education, Suyus Windayana also participated in several education and training courses, including Mediator in 2013, Government Internal Control System Batch II in 2013, and Land Acquisition Level II in 2015.
Started his career at the Ministry of Agrarian Spatial Planning/National Land Agency since 1993. He served as Head of Land Systems, Data and Information Development (2006-2013), Head of the Bandung Regency Land Office (2013-2016), and Head of the Data and Information Center Land, Spatial Planning and Sustainable Food Farming (2016-2019). In July 2019 he was appointed as Director General of Agrarian Legal Relations, and on July 13 2020 he was appointed as Director General of Determination of Land Rights and Registration.

Dewan Pengawas

Ir. Embun Sari, M.Si.
Embun Sari was born in Medan on April 18 1969. He is also the Director General of Land Acquisition and Land Development (PTPP) of the Ministry of ATR/BPN...

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Embun Sari was born in Medan on April 18 1969. He is also the Director General of Land Acquisition and Land Development (PTPP) of the Ministry of ATR/BPN. Embun Sari earned a bachelor's degree in Geodetic Engineering from Gadjah Mada University in 1993, Legal Studies from Panca Budi Development University in 2017, a Masters in Science from the University of Indonesia in 2005, and completed a Masters in Law from Jayabaya University in 2009.

Embun started his career at the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency in 1995. He served as Secretary of the Directorate General of Agrarian Infrastructure at the Directorate General of Agrarian Infrastructure in 2017, Director of Cadastral Measurement and Mapping at the Directorate General of Agrarian Infrastructure in 2019, Head of the Provincial BPN Regional Office Central Java in 2020. Then on August 5 2021, Embun Sari was appointed as Director General of Land Acquisition and Land Development until now.
Ir. Iwan Djuniardi, MM
Iwan was born in Bandung, June 10 1968. He received his education from elementary school (SD) to Strata 2 in Bandung...

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Iwan was born in Bandung, 10 June 1968. He received his education from elementary school (SD) to Strata 2 in Bandung. Iwan is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). After completing his education, Iwan then continued his studies at the same campus in 1992 majoring in Management.

After graduating in 1994, Iwan started his career as a Civil Servant (PNS) at the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP), Ministry of Finance in 1995. Four years later, Iwan was trusted as Head of the VAT Regulation Section II. Iwan's career at DJP continues to skyrocket. In 2013, he was appointed as Director of Tax Information Technology. Eight years later, Iwan was appointed as Expert Staff for Tax Regulations and Law Enforcement.
Deni Ahmad Hidayat, S.H., M.H.
Dewas Secretary
Deni Ahmad was born in 1966. Completed his Masters in Law (2009) at Padjadjaran University, and earned a Masters in Management (2016) at the Bogor Agricultural Institute...

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Deni Ahmad was born in 1966. Completed his Masters in Law (2009) at Padjadjaran University, and earned a Masters in Management (2016) at the Bogor Agricultural Institute. He served as Head of the Land Office, first as Head of the Banjar City Land Office (March 2017 - February 2018), then he served as Head of the Ciamis Regency Land Office (February 2018 - March 2019), then held the position as Head of the City Land Office Bekasi (March 2019 - September 2020) until then in September 2020, Deni Ahmad was appointed Secretary of the Directorate General of Land Acquisition and Land Development

Badan Pelaksana

Parman Nataatmadja
Head of the Land Bank Authority
Parman Nataatmadja studied at the University of Indonesia, majoring in Economics, Management and graduated in 1985...

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Parman Nataatmadja studied at the University of Indonesia, majoring in Economics, Management and graduated in 1985. He continued his postgraduate education at the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, majoring in Finance in 1988.

Parman Nataatmadja started his career as a banker at BCA New York in 1988. Then, in 1991 he continued working in Indonesia as a Manager at PT. Danareksa (Persero). In 1996, he served as President Director at PT. Nuaga International Factors. In 2008, he served as President Director, PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero), in February 2018 he became Special Staff V to the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises for People’s Economy, then became President Commissioner of Bank BRI Syariah in April 2019. In January 2020, he became Expert Staff to the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the Land Agency for Agrarian Reform Entrepreneurship Development, then became Commissioner of PT PNM (Persero). After that, he was trusted to become Head of the Land Bank Agency and was appointed on December 31 2021.
Perdananto Aribowo
Deputy for Strategic Planning and Land Acquisition
Perdananto Aribowo was born in Wonosobo, 27 December 1962, he studied at Yogyakarta, Gajahmada State University, majoring in Geodetic Engineering and graduated in 1988...

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Perdananto Aribowo was born in Wonosobo, 27 December 1962, he studied at Yogyakarta, Gajahmada State University, majoring in Geodetic Engineering and graduated in 1988. He continued his education at Gajahmada State University, majoring in Computer Science, graduating in 2009.

Primento Aribowo started his career as Acting. Head of the Measurement Section at the BPN Regional Office for Central Kalimantan Province and ended in 1994. Then, he served as Head of the BPN Provincial Regional Office. Riau Islands graduated in 2014, he continued to become Director of Cadastral Measurement and Mapping, graduating in 2016. Furthermore, he became Head of the Provincial BPN Regional Office. DIY and was completed in 2016. He then became Director of Survey and Thematic Mapping, graduated in 2017, then became Director of Land Assessment in 2019. Furthermore, he became Director of Land Assessment and Land Economics and was completed in 2020. After that, trusted to be Deputy for Planning and Strategic Affairs of the Land Bank Agency in 2021
Hakiki Sudrajat
Deputy for Utilization and Business Cooperation
Hakiki Sudrajat was born in Bandung, 11 September 1968, he received his education at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, holding a Bachelor’s degree in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry in 1991...

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Hakiki Sudrajat was born in Bandung, 11 September 1968, he received his education at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, holding a Bachelor’s degree in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry in 1991. He continued his education at the PPM Management College, Department of Wijawiyata Management (MBA Program) and graduated in 1993.

Hakiki Sudrajat started his career as Assistant Manager at PARA Group in 1994. In 2000, he served as Senior Manager at Kiani Wirudha – BPN (IBRA). In 2001 he served as VP Investment Banking at AAA Securities, then in 2017 he served as President Director of PT. National Housing IIDA Group. After that, he was trusted to become Deputy for Business Development and Finance at the Land Bank Agency and was appointed in December 2021.
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