Jawa Barat
Semarang Regency at a glance
Semarang Regency, is one of the districts in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The capital of Semarang Regency is in West Ungaran District, with an area of 101,927 ha.
Semarang Regency consists of 19 (nineteen) sub-districts, namely Getasan, Tengaran, Susukan, Kaliwungu, Suruh, Pabelan, Tuntang, Banyubiru, Jambu, Sumowono, Ambarawa, Bandungan, Bawen, Bringin, Bancak, Pringapus, Bergas, West Ungaran and East Ungaran .
As many as 70% or 741,206 residents of Semarang Regency are entering the productive age (15-64 years). With a Population Growth Rate of 0.77% in 2021.
Land Description
The land covers an area of 0.78 Ha, consisting of 2 (two) plots of land separated by an access road, in the form of flat land and some of it has a certain slope, the majority of which is covered with vegetation and buildings. The plot of land directly adjacent to the access road is in good condition. The location of the land is in the Mount Ungaran tourism area with developments, restaurants/cafes, villas and other tourism supports.
Rural Housing AreaSize
0,79 HaLocation Map
-Lot Size
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