President Jokowi Groundbreaking IKN Airport at HPL Land Bank Agency

Image: President Jokowi Groundbreaking IKN Airport at HPL Land Bank Agency
Jakarta, 2 November 2023 – The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), inaugurated the start of construction of the Nusantara Capital Airport in North Penajam Paser (PPU), East Kalimantan, Wednesday (1/11/2023). The construction of this airport is under the Management Rights (HPL) of the Land Bank Agency.
“By saying bismillahirahmannirrahim, today I officially declare that the groundbreaking of IKN Airport has begun,” said President Jokowi.
For information, the construction of IKN Airport is located on the Land Bank Agency HPL covering an area of 4,162 hectares (ha). Of the total area, 290.67 hectares (ha) has been provided for the construction of the VVIP IKN Airport project. The total area then increased to 347 hectares after the Ministry of Transportation submitted an application for additional land.
After the groundbreaking, the Land Bank Agency handed over the provision of land for IKN Airport to the Ministry of Transportation.
Head of the Land Bank Agency, Parman Nataatmadja, said that providing land for the construction of the IKN Airport is a form of Land Bank Agency’s commitment to carrying out the mandate contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 64 of 2021.
The Land Bank Agency, said Parman, also fully supports the government’s development program for Indonesia’s economic progress.
“One of the functions and duties of the Land Bank Agency is to acquire land for development in the public interest. “In carrying out these functions and duties, the Land Bank Agency guarantees the availability of land for public purposes, one of which is for IKN Airport and there are no tariffs or free charges,” said Parman when met at the location, Penajam Paser Utara.
Not only for the public interest, continued Parman, the Land Bank Agency also guarantees the availability of land for the benefit of the community through Agrarian Reform, where the Land Bank Agency allocates 30 percent of land to be given to the community.
“An area of 1,883 hectares will be distributed to the community in the HPL area of the Land Bank Agency through GTRA. “It is hoped that this land can be utilized very well by the community to improve their economy,” explained Parman.
In the same place, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that the construction of IKN Airport was President Jokowi’s commitment that development was not only Java-centric, but must be Indonesia-centric.
“I would like to express my thanks to the Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of ATR, Ministry of BUMN, Land Bank Agency, Forkompida and all those involved, so that the book can be implemented well,” he concluded.