Head of Land Bank Authority: Community Rights in Our HPL Will Still Be Fulfilled
Jakarta, 28 March 2024 – The Land Bank Authority is a special agency (sui generis) formed by the government to guarantee the availability of land in the framework of a just economy, both for public interests, social interests, national development interests, economic equality, land consolidation and also Agrarian Reform . More than that, the Land Bank Agency also guarantees certainty of land rights for the community.
Head of the Land Bank Agency, Parman Nataatmadja, said that his party provides certainty of land rights to the community in the form of legal certainty and legality over the land they will obtain through the Agrarian Reform (RA) mechanism above the HPL of the Land Bank Agency.
Through the RA mechanism, eligible communities will be given a Certificate of Use Rights above the Land Bank Agency’s HPL for 10 years. “If it has been used properly, a Certificate of Ownership will be given,” said Parman in his official statement, Monday (25/3/2024).
Currently, the Land Bank Agency has prepared 1,873 Ha of land for the RA program. Currently, the subject verification process has been carried out by the Agrarian Reform Task Force (GTRA) chaired by the Regent.
On the other hand, the Land Bank Agency also has duties and functions in organizing an area to make it more productive so that it can provide benefits to all parties, especially the community.
“One of the reasons the Land Bank Agency was born was to organize an area so that it is more productive and can provide many benefits to the community. This is also so that in the future our children and grandchildren can have a decent place and not be controlled by a few parties who have personal interests,” explained Parman.
In managing this area, said Parman, the Land Bank Agency certainly cannot do it alone. It requires cooperation from all parties to support this, including from the surrounding community.
During the structuring process, the Land Bank Agency often found that there were still non-permanent buildings/lodges standing without permission on the Land Bank Agency’s HPL, one of which was in Penajam Paser Utara (PPU). These challenges need to be addressed wisely without compromising people’s rights.
“Therefore, we communicate persuasively to the community, we visit them, we provide advice and education,” said Parman.
If the community given the advice can show proof of the legality of the land, then the letter of advice given is not valid and the Land Bank Agency has no right to claim the land.